Communication: Assists participants in understanding, appreciating and accommodating Individual differences.
Conflict resolution: Explores factors that drive conflict and the skills required to achieve positive outcomes.
Employment law essentials: Provides participants with knowledge and understanding of Australian employment law and the organisations performance management and disciplinary procedures.
Enterprise risk management: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to identify and manage business risks.
Performance management: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to set performance goals, give feedback and recognition as well as how to proactively address and manage performance issues.
Recruitment and selection: Provides participants with skills, knowledge and techniques to achieve sound recruitment and selection outcomes.
Project management: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to manage projects using project management tools and processes.
Setting work priorities: Provides participants with practical tools and techniques to develop realistic plans, set realistic goals and achieve them, in addition to managing conflict demands and mange time and resource constraints.
Sales excellence: This program has a 2-pronged approach. Firstly, is uses an online global diagnostic and assessment tool to measure the capability and effectiveness of your sales force against benchmarked top sales performers. Once the diagnostic is competed there is individual feedback and coaching from a leading sales coach and trainer.
Team effectiveness: Provides participants with the skills and awareness to work more effectively as part of a team.
Understanding yourself and others (MBTI certified): By taking the MBTI assessment and receiving 1 on 1 feedback this program provides participants with greater self-awareness, their impact on others and identify ways to improve interpersonal interactions and work performance.
Leading and managing change: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to manage change using change management tolls and processes.
Workplace investigations: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to conduct workplace investigations including how to collect data, practical interview techniques and report on investigation findings.